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Spinning & Weaving


Looms & Spinning Wheel


Showing 1 - 60 of results
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15" Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom


20" Flip Folding Rigid Heddle Loom


20inch Flip Rigid Heddle Reed 10 Dent


25inch Flip Loom with 10 dent


25inch Flip Loom with 8 Dent Reed


25inch Flip Rigid Heddle Reed 12 dent


25inchFlip Reed 10 Dent


30" Rigid Heddle Reed 12 Dent


30" Rigid Heddle Reed 8 Dent


30inch Flip Loom w/ 10 dent reed


4.5 Yard Warping Board


A weaver's Guide To Hemstitching Plus


Boat Shuttle 9" Mini Maple


Boat Shuttles - 11" Slim Open Bottom


Bobbins for Boat Shuttles 4" (10 pack)


Brass Reed Hook


Brassard 8/2 Cottolin - Beige


Brassard 8/2 Cottolin - Natural


Brassard 8/2 Cottolin - Noir (black)


Brassard 8/2 Cottolin - Rose Pale (Pink)


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Blanchi


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Bleu Moyen


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Bleu Pale


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Brun Moyen


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Cerise


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Flax


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Fuscia


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Gris Fonce


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Jaune Fonce


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Lilas


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Limette


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Limette Pale


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Marine


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Mauve Pale


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Naturel


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Noir


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Orange Fonce


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Peacock


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Peche


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Rose Pale


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Royal


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Vert Emeraude


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Vert Fonce


Brassard 8/2 Cotton Yarn - Wine


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Burgundy


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Havane (Dk Peach)


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Magenta


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Mauve (Purple)


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Noir (black)


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Teal


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Vieux Bleu - Slate blue


Brassard 8/2 Tencel - Vieux or (Lt Gold)


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Blanchi


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Bleu


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Bleu Moyen


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Bleu Pale


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Brick


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Brun Chocolate


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Brun Moyen


Brassard 8/4 Cotton Yarn - Cayenne


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